Monday 13 April 2015

Five star treatment for the Kresala

It's good to see the first five star reviews of The Voyage of the Kresala appearing on the Amazon page. See:

"A hero's journey in a classic sense ...," says one reviewer. "... a joy for both children and adults alike."

I'm really glad that the importance of the hero's journey has shone through for this reviewer.  In the book, Gentil truly has to travel into the unknown and face new dimensions within himself as well as in the world around, and therein lies the heroic journey.

For the same reason I wanted to include the "voyage" in the book title, and again the same reviewer notes that the boat herself "is at the centre of a mythic quest" in which all on board participate. All are in flight, but at the same time in search of a kind of redemption. Itxaso's mission binds them all on the physical journey, but for each one an inner quest mirrors the outer.

The quest gives meaning to life. I am reminded here of Viktor Frankl's renowned work in Vienna with suicidally inclined youngsters, where his therapy consisted in helping them to find a meaning and purpose for their life. We know that suicide is alarmingly common in young people in our own time, in the US being the second leading cause of death in youngsters from age 15-24.

It should be said here that my "seven songs" are all meant as songs of life and meaningfulness.This is the connection that all of King Abba's children have to make with reality, each in their own way.

Thanks to those who have taken the time and trouble to write their comments.

CJM  April 2015


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