I have just released The Voyage of the Kresala, the
latest title in my Seven Songs fantasy series, where we start to see
more clearly the great divisions taking place across the European continent.
The conflict, of course, arises from the question of the moment, currently
affecting several countries and it boils down to this: Which do we want? The
megastate Europus, uniformly bent to (for want of a word) Germanic aims and
standards? Or the beauteous Europa with her myriad and varied delights that
Zeus himself could not resist, and so carried off to Crete on his bull-like
When I put it like that, I suppose it’s fairly
clear which of the two I would rather see. It’s also fairly clear which of the
two is preferred by Syriza’s Yanis Varoufakis, the "erratic" Marxist now heading the finance
ministry in Athens ....
For the full text of this article, see www.kingabba.com